9kg Ultra Fine Food Grade


9 Ultra Fine Diatomaceous Earth for Personal Use, Pets, Gardens and Livestock This grade of Diatomaceous Earth is UV treated for Human Consumption and also safe for dusting and using around the house. Our ULtra Fine Diatomaceous Earth is 100% pure and is totally organic and safe. It contains less than 1% of Crystal & Silicon. Some of the uses for Diatomaceous Earth include; household pets, gardens, flowerbeds, field crops, grain storage, and livestock feeding and for internal parasites of humans and animals. Diatomaceous Earth is Mother Nature's product that is harmless to the environment, pets or to people. It is not an earth, Diatomaceous Earth is the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled plants called DIATOMS. Diatomaceous Earth kills by physical action, not chemical by puncturing the insect’s exoskeleton and absorbing its body fluids, thus posing no harm to warm-blooded life. Moreover, on any surface, these natural pesticide products have a remarkable repellency factor. As long as it is present, insects tend to stay away, making a serious infestation unlikely. Also, the more it is used, the more an environment is created that tends to make insects unwelcome. Use Diatomaceous Earth for pest control of roaches, silverfish, ants, bedbugs, flies, fleas, caterpillars, scorpions, grass hoppers and many others. Diatomaceous Earth can be used in and around the home, yard, animal housing, etc. How to Use

Alkalizing with Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth will help to Alkalise your body which in turn will improve your overall health and can prevent Cancer and many other diseases. Dr Otto Warburg, who won a Nobel Prize in the 1931, discovered that 95% of all cancers have an acidic environment as the cause behind them. He discovered and proved that cancers can’t thrive in an alkaline environment of PH 7.36 or more. He also discovered that acidosis (excess acid) causes many other diseases such as; Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Hearth Disease, Cancer, Atherosclerosis, and MOST Chronic diseases today. The body is in Dis-ease when it is too acidic. Silica for Bone Health Diatomaceous Earth has the ability to Alkalize the body and if mixed with water and lemon juice, this will double the alkalizing affect on your body. Even though a lemon tastes acidic it will in fact Alkalize and balance the overall body. It also has potent disinfectant and antibacterial properties. Here is how to do it; First thing in the morning, mix together a squeeze of lemon juice into a cup of water and add your Diatomaceous Earth, a teaspoon or more, stir well and consume quickly. Do not drink or consume anything else for an hour other than alkaline water. How to consume



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Additional information

Weight 9.1 kg
Dimensions 50 × 30 × 20 cm